Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Truth and Honesty - Let's Get Real

I am in a constant quest for truth and honesty. I'm tired of playing games and beating around the bush. All I want now is truth and honesty from myself and others. In a sometimes materialistic, narcissistic world, everyone and everything seems fake. So-called reality shows are not really reality. It's what they want you to see. I don't believe anyone's life is that interesting, whether you're rich or poor, famous or not.

Truth and honesty starts with yourself. You can't find it on others until you find it in yourself first. Look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. When you're not pretending to be someone else or something you're not, things get a lot easier. Your expectations are not as high.

Once you're being honest with yourself, you can start to find it in others. Look beyond the crap and look into that person's soul. You may almost feel clairvoyant. Don't take things at face value. Ask questions and get to the bottom of things. Somewhere deep down is the fountain of truth. It may not always be pretty but it's real and that's what you want.

I believe we're all selfish people, some more than others. No one does anything without getting something in return. Even if you volunteer, you may not get paid money, but you feel good about yourself. That's the payoff. If you can find someone else's payoff, that's gold. Motivation is the key. We all get out of bed in the morning for someone or something. Find that reason and be honest. Not everyone is doing what they love. Not everyone is in a happy relationship.

Sometimes honesty and truth can hurt. But in the end, isn't it better to be honest, then to have years of lies and unhappiness. What a waste of time. If we could all be honest then maybe we could save ourselves a lot of heartache and move on. Let's all walk in the truth and be honest, not only with ourselves, but each other. We'll be better people for it and maybe the world would be a better place.  

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Like Me, Do You?

I've recently come to realize (at probably a late age) that the things I do I need to do for me not others. I need to make myself happy not someone else. I have to like myself first before others will even look at me.

I've never been the popular girl and probably never will be. I'm shy and quiet. I've always wanted people to  like me though. I don't want to be the center of attention ( a shy persons nightmare) but I would like to be acknowledge now and then as a living, breathing person who has feelings and opinions, though not always easily shown.

I used to think that if I was really pretty or successful I would get attention. Maybe then people would look at me and not over me. Now I realize if I get attention for that, it would be for all the wrong reasons. I should want to be those things for me, not to please or get the attention of others.

I don't know why people don't like me. If people would take the time to get to know me they would find I'm a really nice and funny person. My husband likes me so I can't be that bad. I've never intentionally hurt someone. I'm not a crazy person, either. I know my personality works against me but just because I'm not the life of the party doesn't mean I don't want to get invited. I want to be there and would like to be included. All I want is a seat at the table. If you give me a chance I think you would like what you see because, finally, I'm starting to like me too.