Saturday, May 17, 2014


What is your intention? Intention is your purpose. It can be anything really. What you want out of life, what you want to happen this year, this month, or this week. Once you have your intention, you need to take action. Don't just sit there and let time pass you by. Start by breaking down your intention into small goals. The small steps you take today will lead you to your true intention. Start today and focus on what you can do to make changes or to make things happen. Don't wait until the day before or when your older etc. Those are excuses. Focus on today and take an action step for a better tomorrow.

Here are some examples to help you get started. You want to go on a trip but you need to save money. How are you going to do that? Let's break it down. You can use coupons to save money, buy things on sale, buy used, shop at thrift stores and garage sales, find free things to do in your community. There's your action plan. Another example is trying to lose weight and get healthy. You know you need to exercise and eat right. Break it down into small steps. Try walking everyday or having a salad for lunch instead of fast food. Your intention is to lose weight, you create an action plan, and now do it everyday. Of course there will be days you fall off the wagon and eat cake or skip walking but that's ok. Reset your focus on tomorrow. Don't give up.

In any given situation, always ask yourself what's your intention. Figure that out and focus on it. Make it happen by breaking it down into little steps and take action. This will lead you to your true purpose for a better and happier life.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Internal Conflicts

Sometimes I feel like there is a tug of war going on in my head and heart. I live in one place but sometimes I wish I was someplace else. I'm married but sometimes I don't want to be around my husband. I know I need to go out more and be more social but sometimes I just want to stay home. I know I have to visit my in laws sooner or later but again, I don't want to. What makes it harder is I don't have a lot of choices in these matters. Not a lot of good choices anyway. I'm stuck. I think these issues is what contributes to my current mental state. I'm living a life I don't want to live and there's nothing I can do about it. That's why I'm so depressed, sad, lonely and bored. I finally figured it out. I know I need to make the best of it and accept things for how they really are but there's a part of me that wishes I was someplace else, with someone else. I know that place I would be happy because I've been there before. It's called home.