I hate it when women brag about how they can't cook. Everyone needs to eat, and unless you can afford to go out every night, you need to do some form of cooking. Cooking is not that hard. Do not be afraid of the kitchen. You need to eat and guys like a woman who can cook. Just because you know how to cook doesn't mean you'll automatically end up barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
I had to teach myself how to cook. Growing up, my mom always cooked and she hated it. The only time my dad went into the kitchen was to get a snack. My mom never taught me how to cook. I think she was afraid to let me near the stove. When I left home, I barely knew how to boil water.
All that changed when I met my husband. I am extremely lucky that he likes to cook so I got off easy for many years. But then he took a night class and I had to cook. What I discovered is that cooking wasn't that hard and over time I have come to actually enjoy it.
I taught myself to cook with the help of TV shows, cookbooks, and recipes online. I'm not the greatest cook but I can put together a meal and not make you sick.
The more you cook, the more confident you will be. So do not be afraid of the kitchen. Knowing how to cook is a great asset and it's not a woman-only thing anymore. You'll save money and eat healthier, and anyone you cook for will thank you for it too.
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